Sodyo Presents O2O Greatest Hits of the Summer

3 min read
Sep 6, 2017 10:59:42 AM

It’s been a busy summer here at Sodyo, the O2O infrustructure solution. We churned out a lot of blog posts that sparked interest and conversations. For those of you who missed out, here are our favorites of the summer of 2017. Click on each headline to read the blog post.

 The Holy Grail For Home Shopping Networks – TV to Mobile

Home Shopping Networks are thinking beyond the phone call. TV-to-Voice Phone Call is on its way out. It may take a decade to fully disappear, but 20-something’s with credit cards don’t see voice call purchasing as futuristic.

The smartphone is the highest common denominator in our lives. Our smartphone is much more than our phone. We use it to write and read reminders, for banking, online purchases, texting our friends, looking up cultural events. When is the last time you left your home without your smartphone? And if you did, how was that day?


The 1-2-3 Point & Purchase Home Shopping Experience With FarQR Codes

Sodyo FarQR Codes are a perfect match for home shopping networks. Consumers want an easy way to make a purchase and the “highest common denominator” – the one device that everyone has within reach – is the smartphone (and the “couch tablet”).

How does a home shopping viewer complete a purchase with FarQR Codes? Click on the above link to find out!


How TV-to-Mobile is Going to Revolutionize Sports TV in 2017

Every time a sports TV viewer goes to Google on his smartphone or tablet, the sports TV brand loses. There are wonderful websites that offer sports stats, but you – the sports TV network – need to keep your audience in your world.

Once your audience gets to Google, they have literally trillions of places where they can end up, and none of them do you any good.

The same for sports betting. If your advertisers are offering sports betting during TV commercials, offering a toll free number or “Visit our website” is what we call in marketing a “broken funnel”.


Reserve a Test Drive While Watching a Car Commercial – FarQR Codes in Action

In the car commercial of the future, TV viewers will be able to reserve a test drive while watching the commercial – in real-time and from any location in the family room. When I say “the car commercials of the future” – I mean 2017. The technology is available right now. Let’s take a look at how it works, from the TV audience’s perspective.


35 Second Video – Ordering Concert Tickets From TV Commercial Via Smartphone

In the concert tickets commercial of the future, TV audiences see popular bands performing on the screen. Until now, you had to pick up the phone and dial 1-800 or manually type in a website address and order your concert tickets. Thanks to the Sodyo FarQR Code, those days are over.

The Sodyo FarQR Code is the successor to the QR code. The FarQR Code has a detection range of 100x the size of the FarQR Code – much, much more than legacy QR codes.


Sports TV To Smartphone In Real-Time – A Play-By-Play

Sports TV fans just love information. Of all TV audiences, they are the most likely to be reading or watching videos on their smartphone while sitting in the family room and watching a game.

While watching Sports TV, your audience is either engaging with your content on smartphone, or that of another Sports TV network or sports news website.


The Case For “Point And Vote” Reality TV Voting

Reality TV shows continue to reap high ratings all over the world. Audiences love the suspense of not knowing who will win and they enjoy the sense of participation in the results – by voting and social media. Today, Reality TV voting is mostly done via SMS.

Consumers know that SMS messages and especially multimedia messages (photos and videos) can cost money, and they’re anyways used to using What’s App, Facebook and Viber. For many smartphone users, SMS is associated with spam, as that is what most incoming messages are.


Why The QR Code Is Living On Borrowed Time

Connecting offline to online is a holy grail for many industries. Though it’s sometimes hard to remember, we actually live in an offline world. When we leave our homes in the morning for work, the street signs, billboards and store logos that we see are offline. The online world intersects with offline sparingly. We can go up to an outdoor advertisement and look at it, but how do we connect it to our online gadgets and personas?

The QR code was designed to connect offline to online, and it was a major step in the right direction. QR codes have limitations that you all know about – they’re slow, you have to be right in front of them and they don’t exactly add an element of “pleasant design” to a piece of content.

I encourage broadcast TV professionals to read about our new technology, and if you would like a demo of Sodyo FarQR Codes, let us know below!

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