Get the Picture: Sodyo Content Galleries Keep Viewers Close to Home

Written by Amanda C. Thompson | Mar 30, 2021 3:15:00 PM

Sometimes, more is more. With the Sodyo content gallery feature, our partners can give their viewers more of the content they crave with the wave of a smartphone, all in a modern, interactive Pinterest-like format.

Every news story, sports game, and popular series has more to it than what viewers see in the broadcast. Including a Sodyo Marker on screen empowers them to go deeper on the things that interest them most, while driving several benefits for the broadcaster at the same time.

  1. Engage the audience: Across all age demographics, television viewers are becoming more and more distracted by the “second screen” - that is, the secondary device they keep close at hand while watching TV. Statista found that more than two-thirds of those second screen users are looking up more information about whatever they’re watching. Why fight it? Embrace the distraction and make it work for your network.
  2. Extend the content: Many broadcasters already have additional content about news reports, games, or shows airing on their channel. By adding a scannable Sodyo Marker, you can make that content easily accessible to live viewers and squeeze more mileage out of assets you’ve already created. 
  3. Get to know your audience: Raw data, charts, scan results and more: Sodyo’s full data analytics provide insights that can help determine which campaigns and strategies are most successful, as well as helping target future content on a granular level based on what individuals have liked in the past. 
  4. Keep viewers in your ecosystem: The second screen habit isn’t going away. Instead of losing viewers’ attention to search engines or other broadcasts, keep them close to home by gathering all the complementary content they want right under your own digital roof. 

Sodyo content galleries allow broadcasters to share relevant photos, videos, GIFs, and audio files under an eye-catching photo or video header. Each item is clickable and sharable. Users can send their favorites to friends or bookmark them for later. 

A few possible use cases might include sharing information about athletes playing in a sports game, additional news items about a story shown on-air, or top attractions at a highlighted destination on a travel channel.

Like Sodyo’s other landing pages and modules, the content gallery can be monetized with a clickable sponsorship field at the end of the main gallery page. The gallery itself could also be used as a showcase for product photos and videos. Finally, data and insights can be monetized by sharing with the network’s partners. 

To learn more about the Content Gallery, contact us at the link below!